
Sustainable and renewable bio-based products as well as carbon sequestration opportunities.


GCS operates an integrated, sustainable biomass pyrolysis process producing sustainable and renewable bio-based pyrolysis oil (bio-oil). Every component of our biomass is utilized and pyrolysis vapors not used in energy production are condensed to form bio-oil.

Pyrolysis bio-oil is a dark, viscous liquid complex of oxygenated hydrocarbons, phenols, acids and other compounds. This oil is a precursor for a wide range of organic compounds and specialty chemicals used in the food and agricultural industries. Many markets are being developed to utilize the oil as a low carbon intensity replacement of petroleum-based products. Markets and need for bio-oil are diverse. It can be refined to produce wood vinegars, organic pesticides and antifungals or upgraded to a fuel, green hydrogen, bio-based binder or a bitumen supplement.  If not consumed and rather sequestered, bio-oil can provide high-quality carbon credits.


wood vinegar

The light fraction of pyrolysis oil can be further refined into a liquid called ‘wood vinegar’. Wood vinegars are highly sought after as natural pesticides, produce preservatives, and growth agents in organic farming. There are also a variety of medicinal, cosmetic, and food grade applications for wood vinegar.



This heavier, thick fraction of pyrolysis oil can be used in a variety of applications ranging from heating hospitals and large buildings to sustainable marine and airline fuels to green hydrogen production. Another emerging use of bio crude is underground injection to permanently store carbon for thousands of years.


bio-oil carbon credit

Every ton of GCS bio-oil is equivalent to roughly 2 tons of CO2. That oil can be injected and stored deep underground in salt caverns and disposal wells where the carbon becomes permanently sequestered. Effectively putting oil back in the ground

Earth made safe®